Imagine. You make a terrible mistake. You didn't really mean it. You don't know why you did it, but you know what you have done & you take full responsibility for it. You don't try and fight it. You accept it.

You pay your dues to society. You do whatever it takes to try and learn from that mistake. You make progress.

Now imagine this. For the next four years, no matter what, this mistake is brought up in every situation. You could take a trip to the store, and some one yells out the mistake you've made. Frustration should rise in your body. It's natural. You're human.

Imagine hundreds of thousands of people, tweeting how much they hate you. How they wish you were dead. Every thought they have.

Imagine hundreds of people commenting on your Instagram pictures telling you about what they think about your life. Constantly telling you the mistake you know you've made.

Any regular person reading this, would have been done with life a long time ago. but Chris Brown is much stronger than that.

If you aren't a fan or dedicated Team Breezy, you really don't know how loving and giving he is. Besides being one of the last REAL entertainers we have left(he puts on a great show) he is artistic, a director, an actor and he has his own charity called ' Symphonic Love ' which is his most prized possession. Helping and giving to kids.

But you see, people don't see this Chris Brown. They see the name Chris Brown and all they think about is what he did to Rihanna.

His recent altercations involving Frank Ocean and Drake. People see the Name Chris Brown and the word Fight and what do they think.

"Chris must have threw the first punch, it's only right"

No, it's not right. It's like, the Name Chris Brown appears and people can't read. In both of these altercations both articles said that the other artist have started the fight. It's printed in black and white. But people are Ray Charles to that I assume.

This boy goes through hell and then some but yet Charlie Sheen who has committed many more crimes is praised with commercials and tv shows, but Chris is brought down everyday?

I'm not saying everyone has to support Chris, because I understand, but to bring him down for every little thing he does? What does that say about you? If you claim to not support him and no one asks you about your opinion, WHY ARE YOU SPEAKING?

This man has had to delete his Instagram and Twitter because people who shouldn't even be speaking to him because they claim to not care have bullied him. We claim to not support bullying but yet you sit up here and bully a celebrity because you feel secure because you think they won't respond but when they do you're suddenly the victim. Please.

Why won't you leave him alone? If Rihanna, the woman this happened to, the only one that should hate him, or the only one that should say anything about him, can forgive and love him again, why does everything he does affect you?

People claim to not care but give things the MOST attention.

Listen, it's been almost 4 years. Give it a break. All the jokes are old. All the ridicule and hate is uneeded. If you support him, buy his albums and clothing. Support his films and art and be a fan, not his life coach. If you don't support him, here's a tip for you as well... Don't talk about him. If he comes up ignore it. Just leave Chris Brown Alone.

love, Ericka.

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